
The higher education stage consists of two phases: the middle school stage which includes grades five to ten, and the secondary school stage, which includes grades eleven and twelve. This stage serves as the foundation for students to determine their future academic and professional paths. The objectives stem from our philosophy of preparing a generation capable of defining their national and personal identity. We also focus on equipping students with knowledge, positive attitudes, and expertise in humanities, natural sciences, and applied sciences, fostering integration and harmony between scientific and literary disciplines. Additionally, we guide students toward specializations that suit their needs, talents, and abilities, supporting their admission to local universities, foreign universities, and securing scholarships in sought-after fields.

At this stage, we aim to prepare students for their professional life, develop their intellectual capabilities and problem-solving skills, and enhance their physical skills and diverse talents.

In the upper grades, we emphasize fostering and defining personal identity in alignment with students’ religious, cultural, and national identities. We instill Islamic values and reinforce our educational mission and vision in harmony with the philosophy of the Ministry of Education.

The curriculum for this stage includes the Palestinian curriculum alongside an American curriculum for English, Math and Science. We aim to create a bilingual generation capable of effective communication, critical thinking, analysis, and problem-solving.

Physical education classes aim to promote physical and mental health, while specialized classes develop leadership and artistic skills, highlighting students’ diverse talents.

At the Arabian Academy for Modern Education, we employ academically and educationally qualified teachers for this stage, ensuring they excel in specialized, educational, and value-based aspects. We also provide regular training to teachers to keep pace with advancements in educational technology and address any emerging challenges or crises.

Students in the secondary school are admitted through specific procedures conducted by the registration department. These include personal interviews and entrance exams in the following subjects: Arabic language, English language, and Mathematics. Students are assessed academically, and a clear profile is built for each applicant. Subsequently, we work on enhancing their abilities in various subjects.

We encourage and motivate students to participate in a variety of internal and external competitions, fostering a unique competitive atmosphere and establishing partnerships with local community institutions.