The SAT program at the Arabian Academy was first established in 2018 in order to give students an opportunity to further develop their English language and better prepare them for a college career.

By adopting an American curriculum for Mathematics, Sciences and Social Studies, we aim to give our students the skills they need in order to become effective leaders in whatever path they choose.

Beginning with the sixth grade, students are taught all the main subjects in the English language. By ninth grade, students begin learning a standard US high school curriculum with an emphasis on skills needed for the SAT Exam and the development of skills needed for the AP curriculum and exams.

Prior to graduating, students are expected to have taken the SAT exam and four subject exams (CLEP or AP exams) in accordance with standards established by the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MOHE). This will aid them in achieving the General Secondary School Diploma (Tawjihi) Equivalency issued by the Palestinian MOHE allowing them to be accepted into college and university programs both locally and worldwide.

For more information about the SAT exam, AP exams or CLEP exams, please follow this link.

Form more information about the Palestinian MOEHE Tawjihi Equivalency, please follow this link.